Monday, December 6, 2010

Importance of the Nile and Nile Communities

Some of the main points we discussed in class today had to do with the importance of the Nile River to Egypt and the development of civilization in and around the Nile River Valley. Some of the points that came up were:

Importance of the Nile-
1. Source of Water...
2. Rich soil (silt) located on the bottom of the river and along the banks...
3. Religious importance (we will discuss this later)...
4. Source of Food (fish, marine birds, etc.)...
5. Building materials (mud bricks-for shelter)...
6. Transportation (Travel-water taxi)/Trade (goods from Nubia)...

1. Most communities developed in and around the Nile Delta...
2. Civilizations benefitted from geographic proximity to both the Nile, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, and the Desert (which served as protection from foreign invaders).
3. Were largely based on farming (in Egypt) and hunting (in Nubia where there was not as much fertile land)...
4. Trade was also an important part of life (trade with Nubia to the south, Mesopotamian civilizations via the Red Sea, and even Europe via the Mediterranean Sea)...

Students were also given a political map of the northern African countires on which they will be quizzed next week (Tuesday); notebook check will be tomorrow or Wednesday!


MacK 6 said...

Did the Nubians live in the areas where the cataracts were?? I 'm sure their were fish there but because of the fast moving waters they probably didn't. Also, did farmers fight for land since the land for farming was so tiny? Where would the others go if the had no room for farming? North South? Would they try to grow crops in the hot sandy conditions? Oh yeah, I hope you are feeling better. I hate headaches too! They stink!

Mr. Winand said...

@MacK - The Nubians DID live in the areas that the cataracts are located. There was LESS farmland in the south (where the Nubians live) so they relied more on fishing and hunting. Yes, there are fish where the waters are rough.

We will actually be talking about how land was divided by the ancient Egyptians in the next few days; stay tuned for some more information!