Monday, March 28, 2011

Vocabulary Review

I know that today was a tough day for all of us; tomorrow will be better!  We took a breather today and some of us spent a lot of time reflecting on the past.  It is okay to have days like this once in awhile, but tomorrow is a new day and we need to move on.

Today we tried our best to finish up reviewing the vocabulary from sections 7.1 and 7.2, and I checked those sheets and gave credit to those who had them completed.  That will be the last grade for the third marking period.  Tomorrow we will begin to take a look at the text and read some parts of it in class.  We will also begin to explore the two essential questions.

My plan for the fourth quarter is to spend half of the time discussing ancient Rome and the rest of the time discussing Europe in the Middle Ages.  I will also fit in a mini-unit on Islam.

Have a good night, get some sleep tonight, and I will see you all tomorrow!


MacK 6 said...

I am doing an extra credit presentation sometime soom probably wednesday!!

Cameron-3 said...
