Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Greek Mythology Raps/Poems/Songs (Guest Blogger - Brad K.)

Today in Class we worked on our Greek Mythology projects. We started, and some of us finished, our Brainstorming and came up with around 25 facts about our gods/goddesses or monsters. Starting tomorrow we will start writing our projects using the 25 facts we have on our notecards. Some quick ideas to help... Use characteristics of your God/Goddess or Monster in whatever you are going to do for your prohect and maybe interpert where he lives/where he came from/and what he does in your project. If you have any more suggestions (Most likely MacK and Cam will) post them as comments for others to read them to make their projects better.
Caption: Thesues Kills The Minotaur by slicing his head off with his sword.

Great Job Brad!  Thanks for being my guest blogger!


MacK 6 said...

You could also sort of tell a story in poetic form about the character.

Unknown said...

What if we research and it says they dont have a birth date or where they came from?