Friday, October 1, 2010

Discussion Question #3

How do you think your life would be different if you lived in the Stone Age? Give specific details as to how your life would be better or worse. Remember, part of your answer is based on your opinion; thus, there are no right or wrong answers!


Unknown said...

The sub today gave us a sheet for the BDA assignment, were we suppose to finish it for HW

Mr. Winand said...

Sounds good to me. I will collect it, check it out and give you some points for it!

MacK 6 said...

He didn't tell us it was for homework. We only got our questions done. I didn't bring home my social studies book! :(

Unknown said...

Mr.Winand I have a question for you when did the stone age start, I tried to research it but I couldn't find it

Mr. Winand said...

@Mack - Don't worry about anything. I spoke with Mr. Weiss earlier today and he gave some of the classes homework, but not all of them. You will have class time to work on Monday.

@Jasiah - That is a very good question, but there is no simple answer. Remember, the Stone Age began during PREHISTORY. Since there were no recorded events during the prehistory period, we don't know for sure. The only thing we can do is guess based on EVIDENCE left behind which doesn't give us a solid answer. That is one question that will have to go unanswered! I am happy to hear that you are thinking about the concepts we discuss in class.

Cameron-3 said...

For some of us, living in the Stone Age would be very difficult. We wouldn't have any advanced technology like we do today. (iPosa,Computers, etc.) We would all have to work/pitch in to get the food/resources we need. It would be a good experience because we could learn important life skills such as hunting/gathering and making fires.

Cameron-3 said...


Mr. Winand said...

@Cameron - I agree with you 100%! At the same time, I think that a lot of people would be very uncomfortable leaving behind their technology/lifestyles to 'rough it.' It would be an interesting experience though!

Bri.MarieROX said...

i think it would b hard 4 some but not 4 others. Some would think it would b cool to try somthing different, but others would b all like, "omg! i like totally need some lip gloss, a purse, and a cut pair of boots right now! i like cant survive here!"