Thursday, October 7, 2010

Population Growth

Today we began by discussing the rapid population growth which occurred between A.D. 1700 and A.D. 2000. A few of the reasons we think the population grew were:

1. Growth of Farming - People had a surplus of food, thus allowing them to have more children; furthermore, they needed a lot of people to work on the farms so having kids provided them with free or cheap labor.
2. Technology - People were able to use more advanced tools and weapons which made their lives easier and helped them to live longer lives.
3. Medicine - Medicine allowed people to fight off disease which caused an increase in the life expectancy.

Feel free to post more if you can think of them, but make sure you explain...

I also collected the last vocabulary assignment and began to discuss the new terms. Tomorrow in class, we will finish discussing the new terms and students will have the opportunity to assess each others work on the last vocabulary sheet.

I am now thinking I will need a little more time to prepare for that first test. Expect a review session on Thursday and the test itself on Friday of next week.


Cameron-3 said...

Also,along with medicine people who domesticated, their animals could've gotten sick, and they wouldn't have known how to cure it. Which would then lead to the animals dying, and while they were sick they could've easily gotten the owners/farmers sick, which like the animals could've easily died of the sickness. But now we have medicine to treat the animal's sickness.

Kaia P said...

i agree with cameron but the Q.O.D. was kinda confusing.

MacK 6 said...

Trade could be another one. People could become artisans and have a job. Instead of making their own food and materials they could just by it from someone who actually makes it. Money has a big part too.

MacK 6 said...

I hope you feel better Mr. Winand! We all missed you today! I probably won't be on the blog until Monday maybe because I will be in Kirkwood, Delaware for a soccer tournament! Get well soon!

Mr. Winand said...

@Kaia - Do you get it now? If not, I would be more than happy to talk to you about it during 9th period when you have study hall.

@MacK - Thanks for wishing me well. I really hate that you guys ended up in another study hall. I will work to get everything back on track for Tuesday. Good luck at your soccer tournament!