Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Discussion Question #2

What is more important - 1. the feelings/traditions of people (Native Americans for example), or 2. the science that shapes history?

Answer the question by commenting on the blog and use specific examples. Feel free to discuss the 'Kennewick Man' here, or any other examples that you can think of with regard to the topic. Remember, this is opinion based! There are no right or wrong answers...



Cameron-3 said...

I think that the science that shapes history is more important because history wouldn't be as it is today without science. (just like geography!) It's also important to see how scientist use this form of science so people in the future can use there same procedure.

MacK 6 said...

I think that the science shapes history is more important because historians can study about important villages that delt with weather, climate, etc. The scientists can see what those people built to deal with these proccesses. Some people's traditions aren't as important to others. People might not believe what other people's beliefs or traditions are. But in a way some traditions might be very important. History wouldn't be history without geography.