Friday, September 17, 2010

Discussion Question #1

The question came up in class today: Is it human nature to judge people based on their looks or the clothes that they wear? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Share your thoughts and comments here... Feel free to share your experiences!

What does human nature mean anyway?


Cameron-3 said...

I think it is human nature to judge people by their looks or the clothes that they wear. I think it is a bad thing because people may wear dirty clothes and such, but inside they could be as 'nice as sunshine',but we could think of them as poor.
Human Nature means to do something automatically, without tought. For example, it is human nature to breathe.

Sean Hnath said...

I think it is a bad thing because you should not judge someone for what they are wering just like you should not judge a book by its cover.

MacK 1 said...

I think its is human nature to judge people by their clothes. I think it is a bad thing because some people who follow different religions than us, might wear different clothes which might look weird or funny to us. Some people might not be able to afford some clothing so they might have dirty clothes. It is not very nice but, some people will make fun of their clothing or because they know they are poor.

Cameron-3 said...

Hey Mr. Winand...are we allowed to use pen for our notes??? And i'm not going to be be at s.s. class tomorrow because i have band sectionals during period so will i be missing anything? I'll make sure to ask if I can go down to band tom. though. :)

Mr. Winand said...

I am really glad that you all answered the discussion question. I am really interested in this topic and I too think it is human nature to judge people. I guess the important thing is how you act on your judgments. First impressions are very important in some circumstances, but sometimes you really need to get to know someone before you finalize those judgments.

From the social science perspective, sometimes appearance is the only thing we have to judge someone. Such is the case with the Ice Man.

Keep thinking guys!!!!!!

Nora Noriette said...

It's not right to judge someone by what they wear or how they look even thought some people like to be judged that way. We all do it even without trying it's just how your brain works so yeah

Bri.MarieROX said...

I think it is DEFFINATELY human nature to judge people. I think it is really rude too! Somebody could be poor or not have the newest "in", but they could be so nice and some mean person dosn't get to have an extra friendship, just because they judged some poor soul on how they dress, talk, or act!

Anonymous said...

I think that it is human nature to judge people of how they lokk but i dont think its right because its rude and you might have an opinion about that person but they could be the complete opposite of what you think

Mr. Winand said...

Placing judgment is probably natural and can't be avoided. You girls are right though, it is not right and can have negative effects on those judged. It is also unfortunate, because those who judge are often missing out on having relationships with very good people. Think about this topic as you live your life! Do we judge people based on other factors besides clothing or overall appearance?