Monday, February 14, 2011

Work Day

Today students were given time to begin working on their newest map (Europe).  Not only that, they were given their next vocabulary sheets (6.2).  While students worked, I took the time to meet with some students individually and discuss their grades. 

Tomorrow, we will begin to discuss some of the new vocabulary and review the map...


MacK 6 said...

Cool! And DO NOT bring up the subject again!!!! I repeat do not!!!! ;)

Cameron-3 said...

I bet you miss me already? Tell me what I'm missing! ;)

Anonymous said...

Your Missing Mackenzie!!! Haha Cameron!

love, Anonymous

Bri.MarieROX said...

who is the anonymous person? i dont know but Cameron or MacK has a secret crush!! oooooooohhh la la!

Mr. Winand said...

@Everyone - So my blog has turned into a gossip site/social networking dating site? What is up with that?