Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thucydides and Greek Democracy

Here is a little experiment.  In class today, we discussed an important quote by Thucydides.  Click on the link below to review the quote:

Did it work?  Let me know.  If it didn't work, I will see if I can find a way to reference the online edition of the textbook on the blog.
To sum it up...  Thucydides made it clear that he believed that the city-states of ancient Greece were models of the ideal form of government and that the world would try to copy their concept of democracy.  He believed that their focus on the majority (as opposed to the minority) was the key to forming a 'fair and just' government which also achieved a sense of equality for the poor.  What are your thoughts on this topic?  Please post them here...  

Oh, and what is the difference between majority and minority?  Can someone define it and maybe provide an example to make it clear?


Merkelator said...

the link worked and i had a ? when is the extra credit due.

Simon said...

Tomorrow is my b-day yahooooo!!!!

Mr. Winand said...

Happy b-day Simon! Oh, and the extra credit is due by the time we end the unit on ancient Greece (my guess is you have a month)...

Mr. Winand said...

@Everyone - Are you going to define majority and minority sometime soon? Come on!