Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Geography of Greece

Today we spent some time looking at the modern-day country of Greece using Google Earth. I pointed out that it is made up largely of peninsulas and islands. What affect do you think that this had on the people who lived there in ancient times?

Students were also given some time to work on their maps of the region which will be due on Friday of this week. Remember, if you haven't been able to complete this during class time, you should use 9th period or study hall to finish it this week.

Lastly, I will not be accepting any more work for the second marking period. If I didn't have it before I left school today, I will not be able to give you credit as grades are due. Please stop by and see me if you have any questions...

1 comment:

MacK 6 said...

Fishing was something that they strongly would take advantage of. Also, ancient Greece was very mountianous. High elevation protected them and the animals on the mountians were also good to hunt.