Monday, January 10, 2011

Egyptian Writing and Contributions

Update: Students will be taking the quiz on the southern portion of Africa on Wednesday of this week and the second part of the unit three assessment on Thursday.

After class today, students should be able to describe the similarities between hieroglyphics and the written languages of the fertile crescent (Sumerian Cuneiform and Phoenician alphabet).

Students should also be able to describe several contributions of the ancient Egyptians, including: basic mathematics, geometry, medicine (from plants), medical surgery, and the contemporary calendar with 365 days in a year (as determined by their understanding of astronomy).

Feel free to post any questions or comments and don't forget to add to the wiki!


Merkelator said...

well i was studying and i think i could beat your time or close to it because i quizzed myself and got 100%

MacK 6 said...

Boo Yah Merkel!!!!!!! We should all agree that Mr. Winand is slow! Hahahahaa. You know we all love you Mr. Winand!!!!! :)