Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sorting Out the Fertile Crescent Empires...

Using the Smart Board, students had to sort out a variety of 'traits' regarding the four empires that we have been studying. Hopefully, this showed the students that they need to study in order to be prepared for the next assessment; at the same time, it served as a review. All students should have a completed graphic organizer by this point which describes them in depth.

Students were also provided with another map. Students will be quizzed on the countries of the modern Middle East on Tuesday of next week. Most periods were given some class time to begin identifying the countries. We will be reviewing the map, in class, later this week. Please note that additional copies of the map can be downloaded from the Maps! tab of my teacher's page. There are also some interactive games there which can be used for studying.

My second period class had more time to work on their maps than the others due to some technical difficulties. I will make sure that you all get the chance to try out the empire sorting in class tomorrow!

So far, I only had one person post a description of a wiki. Is there anyone else out there who has a thought?

1 comment:

MacK 6 said...

A wiki is tool where you can write information about a subject and share it with the rest of the people on the wiki. You can remove/add information. Like Cameron said, the information could be false.