Sunday, December 15, 2013

Anti-Semitism and Judaism

Last week, we continued debates in my honors sections; period two has completed all of their rounds, but period eight has one more to go.  All in all, they were all well done.  I found that the students have really come to understand the format.  In this round, we added POI (points of information) in to the equation.  I look forward to introducing new debate topics in the new year.  If there are any suggestions, please comment on this post.  Note, the next round of debates should have to do with Egypt (past or present) or current events.

With the exception of period eight, all students have taken the open-notes quiz on the Fertile Crescent Empires.  Most students scored very well.  Period eight will be given the test the day after the last debate takes place - most likely, the quiz will be on Tuesday.

All grades are up-to-date and can be viewed online.

This week we will be discussing anti-Semitism and Judaism.  This will be the first of the three major monotheistic religions we will study.  The emphasis will be placed on the Israelites and Phoenicians of ancient Canaan.  If time permits, we may spend a little time talking about the time between 1935 - 1945.  I always like to include this part of history, despite the fact that it seems out of place, to help the students understand how the people of this part of the world have been a big part of the history of humankind.

Reminder:  All students should be bringing their textbooks to class with them each day.  There are no longer textbooks available in my classroom as they have all been assigned.


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