Monday, April 5, 2010

Ancient Rome Online

Take a look at the website linked in this post (click on the title above). You may select any of the topics listed on the site to write a paragraph of your own. You should write a summary of the section that you have selected, but you MAY NOT COPY from the website or from someone else. Your paragraph should be roughly 100 words long and you must give it a title.

If you do not follow the directions, you will not get credit for your post; remember that this will count toward your grade in the 4th quarter!


Dugan7 said...

The punic wars began by the year of 264 b.c. It was faught between Rome and Carthage. Carthage was a city-state. This war has lasted 25 years but when the Romans where not looking the Carthginians attacked them. This turned into a battle. The Romans would attach themselves to a ship with these grappling hooks so they could fight man to man. This war was won by The Romans.

Casey2 said...

Roman Religions
The Romans believed in the religions that the other people that surrounded them believed. So they didn’t have just one religion, kind of like how in this time we all have different religions, but the people that lived in the same area usually believed in the same or similar religion. However they praised the same gods that the Etruscans praised. The Romans also believed in the Greek gods but began to rename them roman names. For example, Zeus was renamed Jupiter, and Aphrodite was named Venus.

Kathryn2 said...

Pax Romana
From 30 B.C. until A.D. 180Rome had a period were there was peace and prosperity. This time period was called the Pax Romana or Roman Peace. They had this for about 200 years and allowed the Roman Empire to achieve new heights in technology and other arts. During this time, life was good and it was comfortable for people to live there.

Anonymous said...

Maleny2 said...
Roman Families
In the Roman families the father was in charge and made all of the decisions for the family like the amount of money spent, what property to be purchased, and can sell family members to slavery or kill them. The women can shop at the market but also was in the household taking care of the children and meals to prepare. Women were well respected to the society and could own their own property to live in. They taught their children to respect them and to their republic. The chlildren had to be loyal at all times.

Coty2 said...

Good Emperors...
Julian emperors ruled Rome for 28 years. Tired of the violence and/or bad leaders the Roman Senate made a decision to take the next step. The senate began to put forward their own candidates for emperor. These emperors were to be fair. They also had to be reasonable and effective. They lead Rome up to the golden age and grew the borders of the Roman Empire to the biggest that they had ever been. They were referred to as the good emperors.

John5 said...

The Romans were a powerful group and were not to be messed with. The only group who`s power could match the Romans were the Carthage. The Romans have more land the Carthage. Most of there land comes from the Italian pennisala. Thanks to Alexander the Great they concured most of they european pennisala. He eventualy died from a bad headache. Well the carthrage eventually fought the Romans and lost.

Ali2 said...

Roman Families
Ancient Roman Families consisted of a mother, father, servants or slaves, and children. The father of the family was in charge, and decided everything for the family. The woman of the household took care of the house, and could go to the market. The Romans taught their children to be respectful and to be fair.

Devaney1 said...

Roman Government Formed
The Republic Government in Rome was controlled by patricians, or wealthy people with power. The patricians could be selceted to the Senate. The Senate had 300 leaders. The Senate voted on matters of public policy. Such as building plans, war, laws, and taxes. The Romans also selected two leaders called consuls. They served for one year. They made sure laws were enforced and other government matters. Each of the consuls could veto eachother's decisions. During times of emergency, the Romans had a dictator. The dictator ruled for six months. Although, they only lead until the emergency ended. This form of Roman Republic lasted for 500 years.

Anonymous said...

In 620 B.C. Rome was conquered by a group named the Etruscans. They ruled Rome for 111 years. In that timespan they shared their religious beliefs,art,poetry,writng,and drama. Then in 509 B.C. their regin was ended by Tarquin The Proud.

megan7 said...

Roman Families A Central Focus

Did you know that Roman people died much younger than they do now - most people died in their forties or fifties. So most Roman kids never knew their grandparents, who died around the time they were born or when they were little children. They thought of their grandparents the way you might think of your great-grandparents now, as very old people that they hardly knew. Many younger children lost even their parents before they grew up, and were raised by uncles or aunts, or by their big brothers or sisters. Also, The people that were married had their realationships end because of the way the government was. Also, the kids that were born were sometimes killed.Plus did you know that there was alot of kids that died young.

Ashley1 said...

The End of the Roman Empire
After peace for 200 years after Pax Romana Rome was declining. The Romans armies were fighting against eachother instead of protecting their border. Because the Romans were not protecting their border it made it easy for invaders to get into Rome. Invaders that entered Rome were the Germans, Persians, Visigoths, Huns, Avars, and the Slavs. Rome was overrun by these outsiders and was not funcioned as an Empire by the late A.D. 400s. A German soldier named Odoacer killed the Empire, and captured the city of Rome in A.D. 476. After this Odoacer named himself the king of Italy. This is considered the fall of Rome.

Naomy6 said...

Julius Caesar
In 60 B.C, Julius Caesar, and ambitious general stepped into political life. He was also very successful on the battlefield. The senate was very protective with him because the senate didn't want Julius to over throw the republican government with his armies. So what the senate ordered him to do was separate with his Army but Julius refused and he committed treason against the senate and declared a civil war. He defeated them and by 45 B.C, Julius and the army have taken over the Roman Empire. Julius was murdered in 44 B.C by the members of the senate because they were worried that Julius was destroying the Republic.