Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Expanding Empire

We began class today by looking at a map which depicted the spread of the 'Greek' Empire under the direction of Alexander the Great.  The route he and his troops traveled took them through many different types of terrain and exposed them to different climates. 

Next, we focused on the final essential question:  How did the Greek culture spread and who was directly responsible for it?  The short answer is Alexander the Great and he did so by conquering other civilizations.  Now, you will have to expand on that!


MacK 6 said...

I have been busy so I will have to do my opinion letter this weekend!!

Merkelator said...

i cant wait till we do our plays in class :)

MacK 6 said...

Mr.Winand I am not really sure how to answer essential question #2. I know that Alexander the Great was the reason but explaining the reason why is what I am asking about. So if I say Alexander increased military, would I say how, because in the book it just says how he conquered a lot of land and how his old commandders formed the Hellenistic Kingdoms. HELP!!!

Merkelator said...

i was having trouble with that too

MacK 6 said...

And wouldn't the kicking people out of the group thing hurt people's feelings and it could affect groups' grades. I mean that someone could be assigned a few vocab words and an essential question and they were taken out of the group, the rest of the groupp wouldn't know the answer. So ha!!! Leave the groups alone!!! HEHEHEHEHE!!!