Monday, November 8, 2010

The Strengths of the Assyrian Empire

Today we began by talking about the strengths of the Assyrian Empire.
  1. They were great warriors...
  2. They invented tools for battle like armor and the battering ram...
  3. They focused on learning and gathered information in a large library...
  4. They also focused on offense as their best method of defense...
We will continue to talk about the Fertile Crescent Empires in the coming days. I think we will be finishing this unit right before the Thanksgiving break. By the end of the week I want to talk about using my classroom wiki for creating a study guide for the test. You can expect that on Thursday or Friday of this week!

What is a wiki? If you think you know, you can post a comment here.

Have a great night, and I will see you tomorrow...


MacK 6 said...

I was looking at the map of the fertile crescent empires and I noticed that the Persian Empire was huge obviously. I saw that the Assyrian and the Babylonian Empires were located inside the Persian Empire. Is that true? Why didn't the Persians conquer the two empires right away? Obviously the empires are way smaller than the Persian Empire.

Cameron-3 said...

A wiki is a place anyone can add or change information you put on. Wikis are not always a trustful thing to use.

@MacK 6-i have the same question but i might have an answer..if the empires were created and destroyed at different times, they wouldn't be together.

Mr. Winand said...

@ MacK - Cameron is right! The empires existed at different times which is why it looks like two of them are within Persia. I tried to explain this in class today. Let me know if you need more of an explanation.

@ Cameron - Good thinking with regard to MacK's questions! And, you are on the right track with your description of a wiki. We will talk more about this toward the end of the week. Great Job!