Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Introduction to the Fertile Crescent

What in the world is a fertile crescent?

We spent part of class today discussing why this area is referred to in this unusual way. We talked about what it means to be a crescent. We looked at some pictures of a 'crescent' moon, as well as a 'crescent' roll. We talked about fertile as meaning able to support life. We looked at the Middle East on Google Earth on the Smart Board which was informative because we could see all of the 'green' in the areas surrounding the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. It was evident that there were many 'pull' factors in that region. We also looked at the Syrian Desert (just to the south of Iraq) and were able to see the barren land not able to support life on its own. Hopefully, everyone now understands why the Fertile Crescent is often referred to as the 'birthplace' of civilization.

Students were also given a new vocabulary sheet (2.1). We spent about ten minutes working on that before the period ended. Tomorrow we will start class right there...

If you have any questions, post them here...


MacK 6 said...

Why would civilizations start where the fertile crescent is located? There are plenty of other places with rivers and vegetation. Why there? Also, couldn't people be more likely go to the south western part of the fertile crescent because of the Persian Gulf and the climate since it is closer to the equator?

Abbym. said...

I have a question about the word City-state on the vocab sheet. what would be examples of some city-states?

Mr. Winand said...

@MacK - I will get back to you; your question is complicated and I need to think about some things first...

@Abbym - See the post for 10/20/2010. I addressed your issue with the word city-state. I hope that it helps. Don't feel bad though; as I walked around the room today I noticed almost everyone is struggling with that one.

Cameron-3 said...

@MacK 6-Here's what I'd say: The fertile cresent is perfect. A desert in the south and mountains in the north, to keep invaders away. They had lakes and rivers surrounding the area like we learned yesterday with QOD 9/20/20. Plus fertile soil. It was one of the best places to live back then. That's my answer. :)

Jade H. said...

I don't understand why they call it, "the birthpalce of civilation"

Mr. Winand said...

They call it the 'birthplace' of civilization because it was the place that civilizations started forming. Before people began to settle in the Fertile Crescent, they moved around from place to place. The Fertile Crescent had everything that the people needed to stay put and before that there weren't really any civilizations...

Still confused?