Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Growth of Cities and Civilization

Today students had time to read within their groups and formulate questions to check for understanding. The areas which were focused on were: the growth of cities, the beginning of civilization, and the social class system. By this point, all students should be able to describe these concepts. Select one of these concepts and write a brief description as a comment to this post.

Tomorrow, we will discuss the concepts and move toward our first major assessment (Friday). On Thursday of this week, we will spend the period reviewing all of the key concepts and terms from this unit. I will also post the list here.


MacK 6 said...

Surplus:to have an amount of something that is more than needed

When people learned how to farm thay might of grown a surplus amount of food. Because of this, families could grow and support more amounts of people. Also, if you had more food you could sell it to make a profit.

Mr. Winand said...

Very good MacK! I hope you know the rest of the words that well. I know you will do great on the group assessment Friday. As always, thanks for the post!

Cameron-3 said...

The Social Class System:

Government developed social classes because as the population grew due to the fact that farming could support lareger families etc., they had made different groups:

Higest was the king
then officials and artisans
lastly/lowest: farmers