Thursday, September 27, 2012


QOD: Why is the job of an archeologist so important?

We began class by discussing how the work of an archeologist impacts other fields. For the rest of the period, students worked on their vocabulary sheets and in some classes we began to discuss the newly introduced key terms.

Current events are due tomorrow. I will also be changing my classroom around in an attempt to avoid some of the distractions that have been plaguing my classes.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Vocabulary 1.1

QOD: What did you learn by reading 'The Body Ritual of the Nacirema'?

After another discussion regarding culture, students were introduced to my way of presenting vocabulary terms. They were given a worksheet and instructions for completing the assignment. Some students may not have finished, but they will be given additional time at a later date.

I will only see periods 1, 2, 3, and 4 tomorrow. Enjoy your half day off!

Monday, September 24, 2012


QOD: What is culture? Describe it...

Today we discussed two important concepts: culture and perspective. After reading the ethnography regarding the Nacirema, students were able to see their own 'culture' through the eyes of an outsider.

Tomorrow students will be introduced to their first set of vocabulary and they will have their first real look at the text.

Oh, and yes, current events are due every Friday unless I specifically state otherwise!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Written Language and Civilization

QOD:  Why is written language an important part of civilization?

After discussing the question of the day, we spent a bit of time refreshing on the five key components.  For the rest of the period, students worked on a graphic organizer which will help me to check for understanding.  A few students did not finish the assignment in class; they were given until the start of class on Friday to turn the assignment in to me.

Tomorrow is current events Friday.  There is a lot to talk about.  I am looking forward to some good discussion in class!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Civilization Defined

QOD:  Why is government an important part of civilization?  For this question, I asked that students write at least two sentences.  We used this question to refresh a previous class and to demonstrate understanding of a key concept.

We spent the period discussing the importance of art, architecture, infrastructure, and written language.  After discussing these concepts, all students should have a similar definition of civilization which is the key to this course.  All students should know that a civilization is more complex than a simple society.  In order for a society to reach the level of a civilization the following must be present:  1. centralized government, 2. organized religion, 3. job specialization / social classes, 4. art, architecture, and infrastructure, and written language.

In class tomorrow, we will complete an assignment which will help me to determine how well the students understand these key concepts.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Social Class / Job Specialization

Today we began by refining our definition of civilization via the question of the day.

We spent the rest of the period discussing the importance of job specialization and social classes to any civilization.

By the end of class tomorrow, students should be able to define civilization and specifically incorporate the five key components.

Don't forget... Current events are due each Friday!!

Monday, September 17, 2012


For our question of the day, students were asked to define political science and economics in their composition books.

I introduced civilization as our next major concept and we began to discuss the five components. In most classes we discussed the roles of government and organized religion in civilization.

Tomorrow, we will pick up where we left off and move further toward complete understanding of the very important course concept.

Friday, September 14, 2012

1st Current Event Friday

Thank you to the four people who have completed the extra credit interview.  I am very happy that you have demonstrated a desire to do well in my class.

Today was the first of many current event Fridays.  All types of stories were discussed and related to social studies and/or the five components of civilization.

I would like to remind all students to follow the format and journal their current event in their composition notebooks.  I will be collecting a set of journals every week beginning next week for review.  I will be entering grades this weekend!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Social Studies Web

Today students created 'webs' to demonstrate their understanding of the five components of social studies. Most students finished in class; the others will need to turn it in on Friday.

For the question of the day, students defined the words history and geography.

The first current event assignments are due tomorrow at the start of class and should be recorded in your composition books.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Defining Social Studies Group Activity

Our question of the day was: Which field of social studies interests you most and why?

We worked in small groups to define history, geography, economics, political science, and behavioral science. Students also came up with several examples.

Tomorrow we will continue our studies and begin to explore the concept of civilization.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Remembering September 11, 2001

QOD:  What comes to mind when you think about September 11, 2001?

Various answers were given as we began our discussion regarding 9/11:  Sadness, Heroism, Anger, Shock, Disbelief, and Community were all discussed.

The main points that we focused on were:  1. What happened, 2.  How did it happen, 3.  How did it change the United States, 4.  How does this event compare to other major events in American History, and 5.  How will the future be impacted by this event.

For extra credit...  Interview a family member or family friend about what they were doing on September 11th and how it affected their lives.  Keep it short, one page or less, and turn it in on a piece of notebook paper by Friday of this week (9/14/12).  Shhhhhhh!  I want to see who is checking the blog...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Social Studies

We started class today by talking about social studies in general.  The question of the day was:  What does social studies mean to you?  Students had a variety of answers, but in the end I made it clear that there are five components of social studies:  History, Geography, Economics, Behavioral Science, and Political Science.  We began to discuss those terms; we will continue to work on them for the week.

Reminder:  Current events are due for EVERY Friday!!  Please ask if you have any questions.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Current Events Format

 - Current Events Format -

Step 1- Write the specific source of the information that you have found. For example, 69 News (not just TV) or (not just Internet)

Step 2- Write the name or names of the person or people involved in the story.

Step 3- Write the place where the story occurred.

Step 4- Write the date when the story occurred. (Date should be within the last 7 days)

Step 5- Write a summary of the news item.

Step 6- Write what your reaction was when you read/heard the story.

Current Event Review

Today we discussed the current event format which will be used for each Friday.  We discussed where to find news story, how to decide if it is appropriate, how to write the report, and how they will be graded.  I will be uploading the format to my blog as well.  If there are any questions, please ask them as soon as possible. 

Assignment:  Starting next Friday, and every Friday thereafter (unless noted), students should have a current event report written in their composition books.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thank You

I would like to thank all of the parents who came out tonight to meet me in my classroom.  I hope that I will have more opportunities to speak with you this school year.  Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Thanks again,
John Winand

Text and News

Today we took some time to talk about text organization.  Our textbook is full of resources that are often over-looked simply because students don't know that they are there!  Hopefully, they will all have a better understanding after today.

We also spoke about sources of the news (via our Question of the Day).  In some classes bias in the news was discussed as well as the selection of appropriate topics.  We also discussed the way modern technology could be used to find articles of interest.  I have asked all students to bring in an article for tomorrow so that we can talk about the format of our weekly current event assignment.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Question of the Day

Today we discussed the procedure for entering class as well as that of the Question of the Day.  All students are expected to come to class with a composition book in which to record the date, question, and answer.  This will help us get started in class and set us up for discussions of class concepts.

The Question of the Day for today was:  What is one topic that you want to learn about this year in social studies? Tell me why...

We also began to look at our text and how it is organized (in some classes this will be done tomorrow).

Assignment:  All students will be asked to come to class with a news story this Friday.  They do not have to write anything about it before class.  It can be an article of any kind (print and/or internet source).  Please keep it school appropriate.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Today we discussed procedures for accessing course information on-line.  My 'Teacher Page,' which can be accessed from the MSD website, is the source for most information.  Some information requires clicking on a link which will direct students to wikispaces and/or blogger.  Both of these resources contain valuable information and can be used for the purpose of studying at home.  We also discussed how to create a user name and password for the online textbook. 

All students (who are permitted by their parents) are encouraged to locate these sites and set up user names and passwords.  It is best to do this as soon as possible so that I can help if needed.